Untuk Memenangkan Pertandingan(Combat)Anda Harus Mengatur Strategi
Dengan Cara Melihat Gmbar Di Atas( ^^^)
Naga Yang Tidak Bisa Di Combinasikan/Breed Adalah Naga Yang Elemntnya Tidak Tersambung Dengan Element Naga Yang lain
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1 . Armadillo dragon
Armadillo Dragon
Cara lain untuk mendapatkan Naga Armadillo (selain Alpine + Naga Naga Abad Pertengahan):
Armadillo Naga = Alpine Naga + Mutiara Naga
Armadillo Naga = Mud Naga + Zombie Naga
Armadillo Naga = Bintang Naga + Jade Dragon
Naga Armadillo = Flaming Batu Naga + Mutiara Naga
Berdasarkan umpan balik dari orang lain, tidak ada jaminan bahwa Anda akan mendapatkan Naga Armadillo melalui kombinasi pemuliaan di atas sebagai Anda mungkin mendapatkan dragons lainnya sebagai hasilnya.
Armadillo Naga = Alpine Naga + Mutiara Naga
Armadillo Naga = Mud Naga + Zombie Naga
Armadillo Naga = Bintang Naga + Jade Dragon
Naga Armadillo = Flaming Batu Naga + Mutiara Naga
Berdasarkan umpan balik dari orang lain, tidak ada jaminan bahwa Anda akan mendapatkan Naga Armadillo melalui kombinasi pemuliaan di atas sebagai Anda mungkin mendapatkan dragons lainnya sebagai hasilnya.
2 . Special Dragon
Medival + alpine = perl dragon, flaming rock,soccer,cool fire,armadillo
10. cara simple dapatkankan legendar dragon]
Legendary Dragon - Pemuliaan antara 2 Dragons Langka Hybrid (Cool Fire Dragon & Soccer Naga).
Breeding list for Elemental Dragons
This is a list of the dragons that can be bred by breeding the elemental dragons of Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, Electric, Ice, Metal and Dark.
Earth + Fire = Flaming Rock or Volcano
Earth + Water = Mud or Waterfall
Earth + Plant = Tropical or Cactus
Earth + Electric = Star
Earth + Ice = Alpine
Earth + Metal = Armadillo
Earth + Dark = Hedgehog
Fire + Earth = Flaming Rock or Volcano
Fire + Water = Cloud or Blizzard
Fire + Plant = Firebird or Spicy
Fire + Electric = Laser
Fire + Metal = Medieval
Fire + Dark = Vampire
Water + Earth = Mud
Water + Fire = Cloud or Blizzard
Water + Plant = Nenufar or Coral
Water + Electric = Lantern Fish or Storm
Water + Ice = Icecube or Ice Cream
Water + Metal = Mercury
Plant + Earth = Tropical
Plant + Fire = Firebird or Spicy
Plant + Water = Nenufar or Coral
Plant + Ice = Dandelion or Mojito
Plant + Metal = Jade
Plant + Dark = Carnivore Plant or Rattle Snake
Electric + Earth = Star
Electric + Fire = Laser
Electric + Water = Lantern Fish or Storm
Electric + Metal = Golden or Battery
Electric + Dark = Neon
Ice + Earth = Alpine
Ice + Water = Icecube or Ice Cream
Ice + Plant = Dandelion or Mojito
Ice + Metal = Platinum
Metal + Earth = Armadillo
Metal + Fire = Medieval
Metal + Water = Mercury
Metal + Plant = Jade
Metal + Electric = Golden or Battery
Metal + Ice = Platinum
Metal + Dark = Zombie
Dark + Earth = Hedgehog
Dark + Fire = Vampire
Dark + Plant = Carnivore Plant or Rattle Snake
Dark + Electric = Neon
Dark + Ice = Penguin
Dark + Metal = Zombie
Dark + Mud = Poo
Breeding list for Hybrid Dragons
This is a list of the dragons that can be bred by breeding the elemental dragons with hybrid dragons, or hybrid dragons with each other. Some of the resulting hybrids can be bred through different combinations.
Mud + Dark = Poo
Coolfire + Soccer = Crystal
Laser + Dandelion = Gummy or Fluorescent or Laser
Medieval + Alpine = Cool Fire or Soccer or Pearl or Armadillo or Flaming Rock
Neon + Nenufar = Pirate
Zombie + Mud = Petroleum
Armadillo can also be bred by: Medieval + Alpine, Pearl + Alpine, Jade + Star, Zombie + Mud, Pearl + Flaming Rock
Gummy can also be bred by: Firebird + Fluorecent, Firebird + Star, Jade + Star, Neon + Nenufar
Pirate can also be bred by: Rattlesnake + Lanternfish, Neon + Cloud
Read more: Dragon City, Social Point
:: Generation 3 Dragon Breeding – Legendary
The dragon breeding list for the legendary rank is well, pretty rare.
You really have to rely heavily on your luck to get a shot at landing
these dragons. Because the type of elements associated with these rare
breeds are quite complex, we do not have the exact formula for these
Dragon City breeds yet.
Legendary Dragon – Cool Fire Dragon + Soccer Dragon
Crystal Dragon – Coolfire + Soccer
Mirror Dragon – Gummi Dragon + Cool Fire Dragon
Wind Dragon – Gummi Dragon + Cool Fire Dragon, Soccer + CoolFire
Crystal Dragon – Coolfire + Soccer
Mirror Dragon – Gummi Dragon + Cool Fire Dragon
Wind Dragon – Gummi Dragon + Cool Fire Dragon, Soccer + CoolFire
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